Tomi Heri - Keluar


Tomi Heri - Keluar

MYR 1,100.00

YEAR: 2020

MEDIUM: Acrylic on canvas

SIZE: 76 x 55 cm

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Obtained a Bachelor of Creative Technology from University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). Trained as a graphic designer, Tomi’s artworks are meticulously thought out. Distilling his narrations into multi-layered works, pedantically exploring and using new materials, and insisting on personal written text to explain his world(s). Yet, he remains a traveller inspired by the fluidity and camaraderie of the Yogyakarta art communities, and a street artist expressing freely through his art, creating an unpredictable and exciting juxtaposition. He was a resident with Sembilan Art Residency Program in 2018 and a recent recipient of the Khazanah Residency in UK, 2019. He has participated in many group exhibitions locally,  which include: Merah Putih Biru Kuning, G13 Gallery, Kuala Lumpur (2018); Teroka, TitikMerah Gallery, Kuala Lumpur (2018); and a duo exhibition with Sofia Haron, Pancaroba, at Ken Gallery, Kuala Lumpur (2018).